Friday, April 3, 2009

Be the "True Illuminati"


What is upon us is not a Recession or even Depression so let us call it what it is.

The Great Restructuring...

In that the SocioEconomic System that exists today...will not survive this decline into Serfdom

We could take our Nation back from the Oligarchs that have stolen it.

We could prosecute these criminals..both inside and outside of the government under the RICO Statutes....because what they have done (and are doing) is by definition....Organized Crime.

We could end the Federal Reserve...a PRIVATE Central Bank and replace it with a System of PUBLIC Banks on both the State and National JFK was moving towards...before these same Oligarchs....Murdered Him.

But as the Noose tightens around the neck of our liberty....What do the American People Cry out for?

Is it liberty? Is it personal freedom?
Is it for a fair and just society for all?

Give us.. "American Idol"
Give us.."Dancing with the Stars"
Our "Beer and Monday Night Football".
Our "Bread and Circuses"

This is how most Americans...maintain their "sanity" if you can call it that....Actively, avoiding reality.

The Masses KNOW that there is something WRONG...
They sense it...

What is most frighting to the people....what they are starting to realize ...That EVERYTHING they KNOW is WRONG.

It falls upon us, You and I to educate the masses,to instruct, and to protect and care for them.

We are the true "Illuminati"....Not these impostors..for if they were truly enlightened...their goal would be for the betterment of Mankind, not it's enslavement.
We who are aware...of how the World REALLY Works,and of the Oligarchs plans for mankind...

are the TRUE "enlightened" ones...

Go and Share, Enlightenment to others

Be "The True Illuminati"

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